Monthly Archives: December 2020

Value Building

By |2020-12-07T13:37:16+02:00December 7th, 2020|Categories: News|

At Angels' Care, the values we uphold are those we teach to the children at our pre-primary. Early Childhood Development and Education provide essential building blocks for a child's future and the role they will play in society. This is why we teach each the children in our classes the importance of the

Our 2019/20 Annual Report

By |2020-12-07T13:33:34+02:00December 5th, 2020|Categories: News|

Read our Annual Report hereĀ  Message from the Chairperson As I write this annual message during 2020 in the midst of a global pandemic, I gratefully reflect on 2019 where our focus at Angles' Care was to improve and expand our existing programmes focusing on: education, nutrition, health care, spiritual enrichment and social outreach. In

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